I have not received the tempered glass bed that I have ordered and paid for.
Peter LC
Ender 5 Pro. Good quality and value.
I've only done a small amount of printing with my Ender 5 Pro but so far the results have been fairly goods. The test prints came out really nicely even without any finishing and others have been quite successful. Clearly I have a long way to go and dialling in the exact best settings for each filament and function of the print will take some time and practice. I had issues with the display after fitting a CR-Touch auto bed-levelling probe and upgrading the firmware to use it, which I've now sorted. Later motherboards have a 256k chip in them instead of the original 512k chip and this appears to be part of the problem during firmware flashing. Looking forward to experimenting with other filaments like ASA and TPU.
William Stevens
Great product
Easy to install and does a great job.
Great, works well
Shipping was pretty quick, bed works well, provides a much more level surface than the magnetic stock bed. No adhesion issues so far…
Elyse Tennyson
A necessity!
Really helps with print adhesion and making sure your print is happening on a level surface. Super easy to remove completed prints from the glass bed too. I'll never go back to the stock bed that comes with the 3d printer. It's worth the money.